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Blog: Blog2
  • Lamah Bility

Why Low-Income Parents Should Invest In Their Child's Future

The average annual cost of public school increased 6.5 percent each year over the last decade. That means that by 2030, annual public tuition will be $44,047. The total cost for a four-year degree will be more than $205,000.

Parents of low-income students or low middle class who can’t offer to send their kids to college, listen…

Stop spending money on materialistic things for your kids. Your kid does not need the newest shoes, clothing or accessories.

That $150 plus dollar shoe that you were going to buy for your kid? Buy the kid a $75 or less valued shoe and invest the rest of the money in a 529 plan.

The designer attires that you were going to buy for your kid? Take them somewhere cheap and invest the rest of the money in a 529 plan.

That $1000 plus dollar phone that you were going to buy for your kid? Buy a used or cheaper phone and invest the rest in a 529 plan.

Stop trying to impress people through materialistic things. Your kid does not have to be “flee” or “fresh” to learn and get educated.

Buying material products are cool and all, but it is only temporary. Do you really want your kid graduating high school and not being able to attend college? No, I did not think so.

College is getting extremely expensive and countless poor students are struggling to pay for it and pay Loans. I personally wished that I had a 529 plan prior to heading to college, that’s why I am sharing with you all the importance of investing in your child’s future and trying to make sure that they do not have to go through the same struggle that you went through.

Invest in your child’s future!

*A 529 plan is a college savings plan that offers tax and financial aid benefits. 529 plans may also be used to save and invest for K-12 tuition addition to college costs. There are two types of 529 plans: college savings plans and prepaid tuition plans. Almost every state has at least one 529 plan. There is also a 529 plan operated by a group of private colleges and universities.

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